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Source Configuration Management Expert til fastansættelse

Vor klient i den finansielle branche skal bruge følgende expert:


Skill: Development Environments and Source Configuration Management Expert

Skilled and experienced as a systems manager / systems specialist and code architect for the following areas:

* Source Configuration Management in Rational Clear Case

* Integrated development environments for Java: WebSphere Studio Application Developer / Rational Application Developer

* Integrated development environment for COBOL: MicroFocus Mainframe Express

* Integration of Development and Source Configuration Mgt SW as one unified development environment for multi threaded development

* Support of Developers in use of the Integrated Development & SCM Environments

* Automations & scripts in Perl/Rexx/ANT


Additional skills; Optional:

* Change Management in Rational Clear Quest

* Tivoli Workload Scheduler on AIX (management and operation)

* Build and deployment of Java code on AIX systems (execution and control of automated processes)

* AIX systems management


Personal skills:

* Service oriented

* Experience as a systems specialist

* Able to accept several responsibilities in different areas as a Systems Specialist

* Able to handle English as the company language


Arbejdsstedet er Storkøbenhavn.

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